Additive Manufacturing

“Additive Manufacturing” – often done with 3D printers – is being used more-and-more for “rapid prototyping” and full-scale manufacturing. Although traditional manufacturing methods are still often the best way to make many items (eg: by moulding, casting or forming), additive manufacturing is often the ONLY way of reliably making complex…

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Mycelium Leather

Leather is a strong, flexible and durable material, but traditional raising of large animals like beef cattle for meat production which yields hides and leather as an end- or by-product uses a lot of resources such as land area, feedstocks and water (for drinking, for washing, for cleaning & for…

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Cricket Flour

Traditional raising of animals for meat uses a lot of resources such as land area, feedstocks and water (for drinking, for washing, for cleaning). Insects   need much lower-grade food, can be packed in high-density locations, get most of their water requirements from their food, without needing additional water for…

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