Eco-Sight has many successful previous clients, attesting to the skill and expertise of Eco-Sight for cost-effectively delivering robust IP protection.

Eco-Sight’s philosophy and practice is to scale patenting activity in accordance with your business needs, forward-going capability and available budget.

In most cases we advise innovative clients to apply for a standard Australian patent only if initial “prior art” searching reveals no patents sufficiently similar to their own proposal.
We also advocate clients apply for a standard Australian patent rather than a “Provisional” patent, since provisionals are optional, are only temporary (last 12 months), and hence are largely a waste of time and money. They also often create confusion in understanding what the inventor has actually achieved.

We advise “1st time” patenting clients NOT to apply for PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) applications since these entail a lot of extra ongoing legal aspects and expenses further down the track. However, although we don’t usually recommend the PCT route for brand-new players, we certainly recommend it once you have been successful with other patents.

We have assisted clients to successfully gain patent and trademark registrations in quite a few international jurisdictions, including USA, African nations, India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, China, Taiwan, Korea and Japan. In Africa we have expertise and strategic links in Botswana, Burundi, Kenya, Namibia, Tanzania, South Africa and Zambia and we are constantly expanding our reach . . .

Eco-Sight can facilitate set-up and administration of tailored Licensing Agreements to leverage your Business IP into ongoing revenue for your business.


Don’t delay! Talk to us today!

All discussion or consultation is in strictest confidence to protect your business and its intellectual property.